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Innovations emerging from the intersection of the sciences, engineering, arts, and design are transforming our economy, culture, and learning contexts. This transformation is emerging through products, methods, and questions that are fundamentally hybrid, such as software developed for human play, hardware designed for aesthetic elegance, and scientific and cultural information requiring new means of interpretation and expression to enable greater understanding of complex dynamics. Innovation stemming from interdisciplinary creativity is a major contributor to the development of new, sustainable economies and harmonious, cooperating societies. SEAD, the network for Sciences, Engineering, Arts, and Design, facilitates research, dialogue, and communication within and among those working in these areas.
We will become the leading advocate for collaboration among the sciences, engineering, arts and design, fostering innovation and learning that impact community sustainability and economic growth
We operate in entrepreneurial, sustainable ways to identify and promote broader impacts for communities and individuals in new areas of practice, research and critical discourse achieving creative excellence and intellectual merit.
Culture and economic development
The network champions partnerships that value sustainability, community development and social entrepreneurship, in order to spur economic growth.
Research and creative work
The network facilitates experimentation with new methods, materials, and modes of creative inquiry and understanding in order to spawn groundbreaking discoveries and inventions.
Learning and education
The network promotes life-long learning by supporting topics, pedagogies, and evaluation methods that integrate the sciences, engineering, arts, and design.
Collaboration and partnership
The network is a nexus for strategic partnerships among individuals and organizations including government, industry, civic and academic institutions fostering initiatives that bring together diverse disciplines and domains.