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Q. What is NSEAD? What is XSEAD? What is SEAD?
NSEAD is the NSF-funded group that has formed the pilot network. Since we'e working alongside a partner NSF funded group, XSEAD (see the next question), we wanted to underscore that we’re actually one network, so we adopted SEAD as the name of the network. It stands for “science+engineering+art+design.”
Q. How did SEAD get started?
The National Science Foundation Computer, Information Systems and Engineering directorate Intelligent Systems division (CISE IIS) sponsored three workshops in 2010 and 2011 bringing together artists, scientists and engineers from across the United States to address needs of the burgeoning community of researchers and practitioners that bridge Computer Science, Engineering and Creativity. These workshops were the genesis of two working groups. The first group is studying the research community in order to create a digital archive and resource for researchers, makers, and educators, called the "Virtual eXchange to Support Networks of Creativity and Innovation amongst Science, Engineering, Arts and Design (XSEAD)." The SEAD website is the outcome of a second group who has formed a national network of individuals, and is developing innovative methods for connecting and supporting this community across academia, non-profit organizations, industry, and funders, called "Network for Science, Engineering, Arts and Design (SEAD)."
Q. What is STEAM?
STEM is an acronym used to to refer to the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Many now advocate for adding an “A” to the acronym to form STEAM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) STEAM refers not only to recommendations for interdisciplinary content, but to educational methods that may engender more broadly inclusive STEM study and practice.
Q. How can I be added to the mailing list?
Subscribe to SEAD on the listserve page.
Q. Who can be a member? Does my organization join SEAD, or do I join as an individual?
The SEAD community of practice is a truly networked knowledge community that overlaps and connects with other communities of practice; it is evolving over time and is not defined through a disciplinary corpus, but rather is outcomes-focused. If you have an idea that meshes with the SEAD vision, please contact Carol LaFayette <> We invite you to join our mailing list.
Q. Which institutions are currently participating in the national SEAD network?
For a complete list go to the Institutions page.
Q. How can I advertise or post information on the website? How do I post a job announcement on the website? Whom can I contact with questions about SEAD?
Contact Carol LaFayette,
Q. Does SEAD collect profile or personal information?
SEAD does not collect, distribute, or post personal information (email or mailing addresses, phone numbers, etc). The SEAD site contains areas in which WordPress blogs can be accessed. To interact with these areas (such as to post a comment), one must subscribe to WordPress. WordPress is not affiliated in any way with SEAD.
Q. Who are the primary users of SEAD?
Those in science, engineering, arts, and design who have a strong interest in crossing disciplines in pursuit of research and creative work that might not be achievable working in isolation. For more information on general network demographics please see the SEAD 2012 annual report summary.
Q. What are the key benefits of interacting with SEAD?
As a network dedicated to hybridizing and integrating disciplines, geographic areas, and sectors of society (academic, maker/DIY, corporate, civic, and private) we can help each other through sharing information, resources, knowledge, and tools in the pursuit of thinking and making for the 21st Century. SEAD is developing actions that will contribute to recognition of the importance and value of such work— and that will lead to greater opportunities for individual success.
Q. How will SEAD contribute to my growth as a scientist, artist, engineer, or designer? How does SEAD enhance my research or academic standing?
The SEAD network includes and posts information about some of the most well-known thinkers and creators in the U.S. and beyond. We regularly post helpful information, announcements, and pointers to events and resources that one can access to grow as a 21st century, transdisciplinary practitioner. SEAD initiatives are intended to create momentum for those wishing to cross disciplines in pursuit of new knowledge, new creations, and new questions. A partner group, XSEAD, is working to create an online portal that will include robust 21st century tools to support and showcase transdisciplinary work and research. We’re just getting started, but so far we’ve had a flood of inquiries! This should tell you something about the need for SEAD.
Q. Will SEAD archive information or maintain historical data?
As an NSF funded organization, we archive all information we collect for open dissemination. An archive of the SEAD White Papers report can be freely accessed from the Texas A&M University Libraries Portal. For historical information related to SEAD formation see this link.
Q. How does SEAD handle privacy issues?
SEAD does not sell or distribute email, mailing addresses, or other private information. Anything posted on our site will be openly disseminated however, and we moderate the site to prevent any misuse.
Q. Who hosts the national SEAD website?
The College of Architecture at Texas A&M University.